Time: Apr 04 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Host: Aaron Rivers
Ages: 16 and up
This event serves as the payment portal and record of MakeICT Community Garden plot rental for Raised Bed #5
All MakeICT rules apply in the Garden, expectations particular to garden plot rentals are detailed in the rental contract. Payment must be made, and a signed copy of the contract received before taking possession of your plot for the 2024 growing season.
The 2024 rental contract for reference purposes follows:
MakeICT Community Garden
Rental Agreement
Plots within the MakeICT Community Garden are $25 annually, due prior to planting. This will give you access to either a raised plot or an in-ground plot, based on availability and preference. This will also include access to water and any shared tools in our shed. This does not give you access to other MakeICT facilities or tools unless you are also a member of our parent organization. The communal area of the garden is maintained by the Garden Committee and any volunteers who help with its maintenance.
As a member of the MakeICT Community Garden, you agree to the following:
I will begin planting on or before June 1st and keep my plot maintained throughout the growing season. I will remove all personal property and vegetation from my plot by January 1st, 2024 unless other arrangements have been made with the Garden Committee.
If I must abandon my plot, I will notify the MakeICT Garden Committee.
I will NOT use unapproved fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, weed repellents or any other products that will affect other plots. MakeICT is an organic garden. Please refer to The National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances for allowable chemicals (link on the Garden Wiki page).
I will keep weeds in my area under control. I understand that if my plot becomes neglected, I will be contacted via email and given two weeks notice to clean it up. If not cleaned up after two weeks notice, the plot will be reassigned or tilled.
I will keep trash and litter from my plot area, as well as the garden in general.
I will pick only my own crops unless given permission by another plot owner. I will abide by community guidelines for harvesting community plot crops.
I will NOT grow invasive or illegal plants. For a list of invasive species, please see the official Kansas Noxious Weed List from the Kansas Department of Agriculture (link on the Garden Wiki page).
For additional or updated restrictions, please refer to the garden committee wiki page: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/Garden_Committee
Registering for a Garden plot constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions.